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130 Meadows Ln, Alexandria VA 22304 Listed

Premium Colonial-Style Place -|- Alexandria VA 22304

So, is 130 Meadows Ln the best end unit townhouse for you? It could be. But, you have to ask yourself these questions. Can you afford $650,000? Is it actually worth $682,395 or $617,405? Are you searching for a $649,900 property in 22304 in the City of Alexandria? Do you need 3 full baths and 1 half baths? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $3,729 on this end unit townhouse acquisition? If you have questions about 130 Meadows Ln, or the real estate market in Alexandria, Virginia, get in touch with Stuart Nesbitt today. Continue reading "130 Meadows Ln, Alexandria VA 22304 Listed"
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