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6335 Stevenson Ave #D, Alexandria VA 22304 Listed

Alexandria Virginia Listed ⁙ $379,900

So, is 6335 Stevenson Ave #D the end unit townhouse for you? It's only possible to answer that question, if you know the answer to these questions. Can you afford $379,900? Is it actually worth $401,000 or $349,000? Are you seeking a $379,900 3-bedroom 2-baths Contemporary-style property in The City of Alexandria? Do you need 2 full baths and 0 half baths? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $1,571 on this purchase? Contact Nesbitt Realty to learn more from the aces on Alexandria, Virginia real estate. Continue reading "6335 Stevenson Ave #D, Alexandria VA 22304 Listed"
Open post

Residences That Have Sold At Stevenson Court

Photo of 6327 Stevenson Ave #D Are you reflecting on the thought of selling your residence in Stevenson Court? If so, it's intelligent to learn more about what townhouses near your home have recently sold for. Sold homes can give a seller an idea what the seller's own townhouse will fetch. Photo of 6327 Stevenson Ave #D Email Julie Nesbitt to learn more about the plan to market your townhouse. Nesbitt Realty is also happy to prepare a free and accurate estimate of your property's market value. Photo of 6327 Stevenson Ave #D Did you know that in Stevenson Court: Continue reading "Residences That Have Sold At Stevenson Court"
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