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1810 21st St N, Arlington VA 22209 Listed

Considering Residences At Bel Alton? Deliberate This Residence.

So, is 1810 21st St N the property for you? It's only possible to answer that question, if you know the answer to these questions. Are you shopping for a $975,000 2-bedroom interior unit townhouse in 22209? Can you afford $975,000? Is it actually worth $1,055,000 or $945,000? Do you need 2 full baths and 2 half baths? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $6,030 on this purchase? As a matter of fact, building equity in your property in the Arlington area is a ready-made savings plan. Continue reading "1810 21st St N, Arlington VA 22209 Listed"
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