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Trying To Find The Best Home In Arlington?

No posts found. is a full-time, Northern Virginia real estate professional and works hard every day in and around 22206 in Arlington. Photo of 4610 34th St S I'd like to say that this condo in 22206 in Arlington County is a great purchase for $575,000 but I can't. That's because when one calculates the value of a home the single biggest variable is the buyer. If it's not the right home for my buyer client, it's not the right home. Continue reading "Trying To Find The Best Home In Arlington?"
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Surprising Suggestions For Property Hunters Looking For A Large 3 Bedroom Residence For Roughly $800,000

Definitely, you can find a large 3 bedroom home for roughly $800,000 in the Northern Virginia area. But there are only a limited number of premium detached homes in 22030. Possibly one of them is the best choice of place of residence for you. If it's not 3502 Redwood Ct, then it might be one of the properties listed below. Actually, real estate has proven to have a long-term, stable growth in value. Continue reading "Surprising Suggestions For Property Hunters Looking For A Large 3 Bedroom Residence For Roughly $800,000"

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